
stand up for中文什么意思

发音:   用"stand up for"造句
  • 为…辩护,维护
  • 为某人说话、工作
  • stand:    vi. (stood ) 1.站立,站起来 (up); ...
  • up:    adv. (superl. uppermost ) 1. ...
  • stand up:    大牌获得赢墩; 抵抗; 放鸽子; 立起;(论点)站得住脚; 起立,站起来; 起身; 日本派; 站进来; 站起,经久耐用; 站起;起立; 站起来, 竖立, 站得住脚, 经得起; 站起来,耐用; 站起来;竖起来
  • stand up to:    经得起..., 勇敢地面对, 抵抗; 经得起,顶得住; 经得起考验; 经受得住; 勇敢地面对 电影频道抵抗
  • stand up with:    给...当傧相
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    更多例句:  下一页
  1. You must learn to stand up for yourself .
  2. You must stand up for your rights .
  3. Are you going to stand up for the silly hussies ?
  4. You ought to stand up for him .
  5. I always stand up for women .



        stand up forとは意味:{句動-1} : ~に立ち向かう、~のために決起{けっき}する、~に味方{みかた}する、~をかばう -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {句動-2} : (人?意見{いけん}?権利{けんり}などを)守る[擁護{ようご}する?支持{しじ}する?弁護{べんご}する] She w...
        stand up for meaning: stand up for sb/sth to support or defend a person, idea, or principle when they are being attacked or criticized: ▪ "We're here standing up for freedom against our oppressors," one...
        stand up for en francais:résister; tenir tête; défendre
        stand up for artinya:berpihak kepada
        stand up for 뜻:을 변호하다
        stand up for перевод:защищать, отстаивать I stood up for him and said I had always found him to be honest. ≈ Я поддержал его, сказав, что всегда считал его честным человеком. защищать [-итить]


  1. stand up against 什么意思
  2. stand up and be master of one 什么意思
  3. stand up and cheer 什么意思
  4. stand up and strike ears with both fists 什么意思
  5. stand up comedy 什么意思
  6. stand up for sth 什么意思
  7. stand up from the place where you hide 什么意思
  8. stand up please 什么意思
  9. stand up terrified; stand up in terror 什么意思
  10. stand up to 什么意思


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